Monday, October 31, 2011

Chicago is my kind of town!!

Well, I took a great journey this last week and traveled to one of my favorite spots, Chicago! I truly love this town and have been there quite a few times, and will go back again. I feel a great energy there, and love it each time. This time I added a new twist. I spent some time there alone. I traveled there and met up with one of my best friends, Brian and we spent 4 days learning Chicago and its museums! We laughed ourselves to tears more than a few times and had great conversations.  Then I spent three days there all by myself. It was awesome!
This is the first time I had done this and it was a test flight per say - to see if I would. And guess what I could and I did, successfully! Some of you might wonder, why do this on your own? But for me it was important because I felt the need to test this independence streak in myself. How comfortable would I be, in a city all alone. How would I eat! lol. Would I shop, like I wanted. Would I really go to the theater?
The answer to all of these, was a resounding yes! And I have to admit, I loved it! This isn't to say that there were quite a few moments when I had to step out of my comfort zone and trudge on ahead, but it was a great experience. I would recommend it to anyone; to give it a try sometime.
Here are some highlights.
Mary Poppins! I went to see the musical Mary Poppins and it was fantastic! I sat and watched one of my childhood 'hero's' come to life and enjoyed it on many levels. As always, I yearn to be on that stage and enjoy watching it from a performers background. I know a lot of whats going on behind the scenes and somehow I feel like I am in on a secret. It makes the show all the more enjoyable.  I also just sat there and watched it all come to life. The music, the dancing, the sets!! All were amazing. But I also enjoyed going alone.  Because this time it was my experience. I could simply watch and absorb. It was very personal for me and being there, on my own.  It solidified, for me, the lover of theater that I am, the knowing that I needed to have music and theater in my life in some way.  It was a great moment!
Shopping in Chicago was a beautiful experience, as always. I won't go into too much detail, because well, you really need to go yourself. But, I will admit to stepping into Nordstroms on the second floor and having a bit of a moment.  Being a lover of shoes, this is a truly beautiful store! And when one whole half of floor is devoted to the art and display of the shoe, well, its brings just a bit of misting to the eye! And it did for me. I had a great experience with my sales consultant and came away with some great purchases. You simply need to go, to just see it.
Eating in Chicago - again a tremendous experience for the taste buds. One you must go out and explore. I found this the hardest to do on my own. But it really was  simply walking through the door and getting my table. I simply got out my Kindle or enjoyed people watching. I enjoyed wine and good food and was treated very well. It was nice, peaceful in a way. Indulgent too.....but well worth it.
Sleeping in Chicago. I gotta give props to the Omni Chicago!! Great place to stay. I felt very safe there and looked after. This is an important element. If you travel alone, you must feel safe. So, book a room in place that you feel good in.  Spend that extra little bit to get this, you won't regret it.
So, what did I learn? Well, that I could do this, and have fun. It wasn't a hardship to be on my own - it was a nice break.  I was essentially taking care of myself.  Which I found was very important. We tend to go through life with our heads down and our eyes on the prize, whatever that is. But very rarely do we stop and take a breath and look around, on our own, and see whats out there. I really believe that this alone time needs to be done by more of us. You might like the break too. However, in the end,  its also good to get home....and ultimately, that perhaps is the best part. You get some 'me' time, but you also get to go home. Indulgent, perhaps. Gutsy, hell yeah... Worth it? Definitely. I enjoyed being by myself, but I also enjoyed getting back to my normal life.
So, I challenge you to think about doing it. Maybe not on this level, maybe for just one night to start, or maybe its going to Starbucks and going inside and getting a coffee and sitting alone, just to enjoy the latte! But try it. You might find you like yourself and your company.  Give it a try.  

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Love Fall!

I love the season of Fall. Don't you? I was thinking the other day about the seasons and all of the changes it brings. The colors, the temperatures, the precipitation. I, however, do miss the mid-western fall colors. So yesterday I went out and bought some. Now, I have the reds and oranges that I have been craving in the house and its great!
This all, believe it or not, lead me to some thoughts about change and empowerment. Now, there's a word that has been over used huh? But, I can't seem to find another substitution. Anyway - here's where I went with this. I empowered a change, simple that it is, to go out and buy the fall colors I was missing. But I began to wonder why that seemed like such a 'kick' to me. Then it clicked - I had made a decision to make a change and I had.
Now, let's move on from fall colors for a minute. Have there been other changes I have empowered myself to do - I could write a long list from small to large - of those. Some were great ones, some I needed to adapt and change. Some were designed by me and others designed for me.  And, then I found myself wondering about people in general, and saying, wouldn't it be great if everyone recognized within them, how they have indeed empowered themselves over the years.
So, take a minute, list them. Cool huh? It almost calls for a coffee chat right? To just sit and talk with someone about all that you have done and they share what they have done. I would love that. To have that conversation.
On the flip side of that, how many of you know someone stuck? Stuck in a pattern or a decision. Its hard isn't it, to see that. But, here's the thing. All you can do is support them. I have learned over the years, that me, myself and I cannot affect a change for someone else. I can only change me. So, while we all have those in our lives that we cannot change, we cannot be held back by them.  You don't have to stop yourself - from exploring and growing.  This doesn't mean you have to shake up your life or anything. Change comes in all sizes. (Then again, if a shake up would be good for you, then change away.) My point is - its OK to feel scared or nervous. But, its also OK to let go and to grow.  One cannot sacrifice themselves for others, including ones self.  It simply won't work, to ignore it. Because, in the long run, like the seasons, it'll come a knockin' whether you want it to or not.
So back to the fall colors. Take a look at a changing tree, if its an option for you.  You have it all on that tree. The golden ones that have already fallen. Some fell with grace, some laughing all the way down and I am sure, some felt sad, that summer was done. Then you have the ones dangling, waiting for the breeze. But so excited to see what its like, to float.
You have the half yellow, half green ones. A bit scared, but accepting what's happening, on their own time You have the all green ones, with gold on the tips. The ones that really liked being on that tree, but yet, are thinking about wanting something different. Then you have those stubborn ones that stay at the top, never fall, and will be a subtle reminder of crisp fall come winter, when you hear them.You know the ones, that turn brown and eventually only fall in the spring when the new bud forces them off the tree.
So, if you could just transport yourself a moment, which leaf would you like to be? Which one are you now? Because, no matter what, they are all an option for you.
Man! I love Fall, don't you?