I felt like the other post was too long, so I broke it up into 2 parts.
Cost of Living: If/When you want to come live here, accept the fact that is will be 20% higher across the board. We are lucky here in Alberta that we do not pay as many taxes as the other provinces, but we do pay our share. For instance everything single thign you buy has GST ( Government Sales Tax). We are lucky, we do not have PST ( Provincial Sales Tax ) as well as 3 -4 other 'ST's" the other provinces have. Sadly, close to 35% + in taxes is what we dish out per pay. Its still vague because your taxes increase, as you make the money. You move bracket to bracket. There are some here who are paying over 40% in payroll taxes alone. Takes your breath.
Food, clothing, everything is higher. Now, at first, the sticker shock will cause a bit of a sway at the store. My friends hear me talk about chicken... here three chicken breasts avg about 5$ per lb. One small package is $10. But, beef on the other hand is cheaper. I pay $4.35 for milk at Costco, but $4.69 at the grocery store. Bread, wheat? Close to $4. Cereal.. now this will kick you in the butt. Wal Mart - Frosted Flakes. $6.97 no kidding..... Now, this one makes me chuckle... Coors Beer, case (50 cans here) is $75.00, and Ernest and Gallo Wine, I have seen for $30. For you non-drinkers, this is insane. However.... people buy it by the load, so supply and demand is at work here. I really just laugh when I am at the wine store, thinking of my struggle with corking costs in restaurants in the states
But, in the end you practice strategery ( yes, I know I spelled it wrong, you have to be a Will Farrell fan to get this). You budget, and figure it out. After awhile, you accept it and you pay it. What else can you do? These are also big banes of frustration for the Canadians. Because, really, no one can tell the people, why its so much more expensive. Just be prepared to shop in many stores... there are bargains!
All in all, both of these items are a huge lesson in 'It is, what it is...What are you gonna do?'. But, keep in mind, the Canadians are living well. They drive nice, often beautiful cars, they are all shopping, they dress nice and look healthy. So, in the end, its all perspective and paradigm at work. I know things differently, so I can see them differently. Its all in how you choose to adapt.
I find that I can't really complain about it... because I can't change it. (There seems to be a theme there I think.) In the end, I appreciate what I came from as well as what I have now. Its all a lesson you see..... its how you choose to learn it, and apply it, that matters.
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